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Let us be well-trained warriors for the Lord

Admin 2016.06.18 18:47 Views : 1274 Recommend:42

Let us be well-trained warriors for the Lord

“The LORD said to Gideon, “You have too many warriors with you. If
I let all of you fight the Midianites, the Israelites will boast to me that
they saved themselves by their own strength. Therefore, tell the
people, ‘Whoever is timid or afraid may leave this mountain and go
home.’” So 22,000 of them went home, leaving only 10,000 who
were willing to fight. But the LORD told Gideon, “There are still too
many! Bring them down to the spring, and I will test them to
determine who will go with you and who will not.” When Gideon
took his warriors down to the water, the LORD told him, “Divide the
men into two groups. In one group put all those who cup water in
their hands and lap it up with their tongues like dogs. In the other
group put all those who kneel down and drink with their mouths in
the stream.” Only 300 of the men drank from their hands. All the
others got down on their knees and drank with their mouths in the
stream. The LORD told Gideon, “With these 300 men I will rescue
you and give you victory over the Midianites. Send all the others
home.” So Gideon collected the provisions and rams’ horns of the
other warriors and sent them home. But he kept the 300 men with
him. The Midianite camp was in the valley just below Gideon. That
night the LORD said, “Get up! Go down into the Midianite camp, for
I have given you victory over them!” Judges 7:2-9 NLT
The conditions used to choose the trained warriors
The first condition is faith
a repenting faith
an obedient faith
deliver as He promised Rom 4:21
it will be as He says Acts 27:25
to hope for the impossible Heb 11:22
to be able to see the things that is not visible otherwise
Heb 11:27
do things beyond our capabilities Heb 11:2
The second condition is wisdom
The third condition is courage
How was Gideon victorious?
Gideon wins by faith that relies wholly on God
From the lowest, God brings glory
God is the only way
He was victorious because of God's help
He was victorious by placing all trust in God's strength
Don't boast about laying it all down, as that means you
haven't laid it all down yet.
be truthful and humble with God as He knows even your
most secretive thoughts and intentions.. Even those in your
He was victorious with a superior power from God
He was victorious because of well-trained warriors
To be prepared, be armed and well-trained
Belt of truth
Armor of righteousness
Boots of peace
Shield of faith
Helmet of salvation
Sword of the Holy Spirit and His Word
Pray and seek to God
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