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Current hardship, Receiving future glory

Admin 2014.08.25 09:29 Views : 640 Recommend:32 Glory with Him... Gloryfy the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, and soul and He will deliver you! Keep praying and believing that He will deliver and by your faith God will alway be graceful to bring you into glory in His embrace.
No. Subject Author Date Views
109 살아계시는 하나님을 체험하는 삶 Experiencing the living God in our lives file admin 2021.08.13 287
108 받은 은혜에 감사하자 Be thankful for grace received file admin 2021.10.01 286
107 믿음의 방패를 준비하라 Take up the shield of faith file admin 2022.01.29 285
106 예수안에 있는 행복 The Happiness of being with Jesus Christ file admin 2021.10.24 282
105 그리스도인의 영적싸움이란? A Christian’s Spiritual Fight file admin 2021.09.17 280
104 의의 흉배를 붙여라 Place the breastplate of righteousness upon yourself file admin 2022.01.15 270
103 우리에게 주신 대 사명 The Great Commission file admin 2022.02.25 267
102 성경은 우리 삶에 필요한 모든 것을 보여준다 The Bible has the answer to everything we need in life file admin 2021.10.09 265
101 죽도록 충성하라 그리하면 생명의 면류관을 얻으리라 Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you life as your victor’s crown file admin 2022.07.02 258
100 하나님은 살아계십니다 God is Alive file admin 2021.11.05 256
99 영생을 취하라 Take hold of eternal life file admin 2024.01.13 254
98 진리의 허리띠를 해야 합니다 Put on the belt of truth file admin 2022.01.07 254
97 일어나라 빛을 발하라 Arise and Shine file admin 2024.03.02 246
96 주님을 만날 준비 되었나요? Are you ready to meet your Lord? file admin 2021.12.04 245
95 자신의 삶에 감사하고 있습니까? Are you thankful for your life? file admin 2021.11.21 242
94 많은 증인 앞에서 선한 증거를 증거하라 Make your confession in the presence of many witnesses. file admin 2024.01.20 235
93 하나님의 대사로서 복음을 선포하라 Proclaim the gospel as we are Christ’s Ambassadors. file admin 2024.02.03 233
92 성탄절을 맞이하는 우리의 자세 How should we greet Christmas? file admin 2023.12.23 233
91 복음의 감격을 회복하자 Let’s restore the excitement for the Gospel file admin 2021.12.11 226
90 하나님을 사랑합시다 Let’s love God file admin 2021.12.19 223