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Restore the excitement of the Gospel

Admin 2015.07.05 13:17 Views : 492 Recommend:20

Restore the excitement of the Gospel

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile. For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed—a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: “The righteous will live by faith.” (‭Romans‬ ‭1‬:‭16-17‬ NIV)

What is the Gospel?
     •it is good news for all of us
     •gives us joy when we receive it
     •it is the allowance for renewed life
     •forgiveness and cleansing by giving His only begotten Son (John 3:16)
     •Jesus was risen from the dead and resurrected

What was this Gospel that Paul was not ashamed of?
     •it is the only thing that has the power to save us
     •it makes the faithful righteous
     •it  gives salvation to all who believe
What is this excitement?
     •Holy Spirit came upon those who gathered in His name
     •the first church of Christ was built in Jerusalem
     •belief that this is the only way
     •certainty comes when you receive the Gospel
     •Paul was so excited when he received the Gospel that he started
      witnessing immediately as soon as his eyes were open
     •the reality of delivering the Gospel was sometimes reasons for suffering, as
       Paul and Silas was captured in jail, but even within such suffering he was
       able to praise God and be thankful and excited about the Gospel

In order to regain the excitement of the Gospel, follow Paul's example (1 Cor 11:1)
     •obey God when He calls you to be the messenger of the Gospel
     •don't fear any circumstances or stumbling blocks as you deliver the Gospel
     •consider it an honor to bear the suffering of delivering the Gospel
     •in all circumstances, never be ashamed of the Gospel
     •be willing to go wherever necessary to deliver the Gospel
     •prioritize the Gospel above all else and invest all energy to delivering that
     •even when incapacitated, find ways to deliver the Gospel (I.e. Paul sending
      letters from jail – 1 Cor 4:14)
     •consider it a sin to not share the Gospel
     •face all suffering and do whatever is necessary within his abilities to share
       the Gospel – 1 Cor 9:21
     •be willing to give your life for the Gospel - Acts 20:24

Stay true to the Gospel and prioritize it in your life, share it, love it, live it… As it is the truth and secret to our guaranteed salvation. Don't fret and be ashamed based on the sufferings and obstacles in our lives, but have hope in knowing that as we live to deliver the Gospel, trust God will always be in our favor and deliver us. You are not alone. You are a chosen child of God. Rejoice in this privilege. Obey and commit yourself to God and revive that fervor for the Lord!

70° Haze
617 Dewey Ave, San Gabriel, CA, United States
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