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Give thanks to God

Admin 2014.11.24 20:49 Views : 508 Recommend:39

wealth and happiness without effort is worthless
pray to achieve happiness, shed tears and pray for the
power and strength
fourth dimension: thanksgiving in faith
without faith, even with all the wealth of this world, you will
always feel anxious and uneasy - depends on our heart
believe and be thankful in God's power and abilities as He is
in our favor
true victory is not to be claimed on our own for our own
possession but to be in His glory and for His glory
true victory is in infinite thanksgiving
how should we be thankful
pray constantly
rejoice always
meditate on and follow the Word of God
know how to differentiate good and bad and live a good life
live a Holy life
look to and believe in the love God shown through the sacrifice
of His only begotten Son
For this is the will of my Father, that everyone who looks on the
Son and believes in him should have eternal life, and I will raise
him up on the last day.” ( John 6 : 40 ESV)
to know God's will
what would Jesus do
bear fruit of the Spirit
seek the work of Heaven rather than of earthly things
why should we be thankful
for salvation - John 3:16
for creating heaven and earth and giving us day and night -
Psalm 136:5-9
for guiding us through the wilderness - Psalm 136:12
“thanks to…” or “because of…”
being and expressing thanksgiving by saying “thanks to…”
not playing the blame game by saying “because of…”
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