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Temple Church of Christ Korean

교회소식 2021년 교회목표

admin 2022.09.19 16:26 Views : 1023

2021년 교회목표


위에 것을 찾자(골로새서 3:1)

"You have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above."



땅의 것을 버려라 (3:5) Put to death whatever belongs to your earthly nature.

하나님의 뜻을 찾으라(살전5:16-24) Seek God’s will.

예수를 바라보자(12:2) Let us fix our eyes on Jesus.



In the family. 가정에서는

1. 가정예배를 드리는 교회 ( 2:42-27) a family that worships together

2. 생활의 1/10이상을 하나님께 드리는 교회 (11:6) Giving 1/10th of our lives to God

3. 범사에 감사하는 교회 (살전 5:16-18) Giving thanks in all circumstances

4. 성경을 1년에 1독하는 교회 (딤후 3:15-17) Reading the entire Bible at least one time per year

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