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What will God’s judgment be based on?

Admin 2016.05.18 10:47 Views : 1041 Recommend:40

What will God’s judgment be based on?

Colossians 골로새서 3:1-5, 25

3 Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. 2 Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. 3 For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. 4 When Christ, who is your[a] life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory.
5 Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry.
25 Anyone who does wrong will be repaid for their wrongs, and there is no favoritism.

As we are a new creation through Jesus Christ, we must place our goals and sights upon the things above. The things above include all the prizes and gifts and blessings promised to all saints and Jesus Christ sits at the right hand of God in that kingdom.
Even though, we saints, seem to be surrounded by and live in a world ruled by material things, we must not forget that this is only a journey through the wilderness and eventually we will arrive at the promised land above. That is why we need to strive to live a sanctified life while on this journey. Sanctified life is a holy life. Just as God is holy, Jesus Christ is holy and as we have been made holy and righteous through Jesus Christ, we must put our full effort to live in accordance with the example set by Jesus Christ. In this pursuit, because we are made of flesh, we acknowledge we are frail and prone to the temptations and will fall to those temptations. However, we must continue to fight the good fight to be like Jesus until that day of judgment. What will God’s judgment be based on when that day comes?

1. Are we seeking the things above or are we pursuing the things of this
    1)  We, as saints, must seek the things above  
         This means to keep that goal of eternal life in the kingdom of heaven, in our hearts Although we may reside here in the world, we have to remember that we are citizens of Heaven and thus we must pursue a Godly life.   
         a) To seek the thisngs above means to die with Christ.    
         b) to seek the things above means to be resurrected with Christ.

     2) We must not pursue the things of this world. 
       The things of this world are filled with sin and have been crucified onto the cross with Christ Jesus. It has no value in eternity in the kingdom of Heaven. The things of this world are sadness , pain, suffering, death , all things that are momentary and fleeting . When we are told to not pursue the things of this world, it means for us to not place so much value on things that will wither and disapper as are all the things that exist in the short time we live in this world . We need to realize how futile and worthless it is to place our hopes upon this world.   3) Put to death whatever belongs to your earthly nature
     (5)   We must lay down the facets of our lives that is ruled by earthly nature; sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry. Just as we are born again through Jesus Christ, these are parts of our old lives that must be put to death, never to be associated with again.

2. The standard of God’s judgment.
All people will face death at one point or another. However, death does not and is not the end of all things. The reason is because, after death, God’s judgment comes (Hebrews 9:27). Therefore, as we live in this world, we must always remember God’s judgment and thus put our full effort to live in accordance with God’s will. The standard of this judgment is different from that of the world’s laws.

1) He does not look at your outward appearance but he focuses on what is at the heart/center of your life.
2) He doesn’t focus on your past but focuses on your present state.
3) He looks not at your achievements but at your faith.

1.  As citizens of heaven, we need to understand what it takes to be a citizen. However, as we currently reside in this world, it is impossible to completely live up to heaven’s standard. Just like athletes, we must keep our focus on the things ahead of us and above us as we have layed down all the things of this world through the cross of Christ Jesus.

2. Even at this very moment God is looking at each of us with scrutiny and judgment. Thus we must put our full effort to live in accordance with God’s standard here in our current life in this world                                      
3. Let’s be Saints that pursue spiritual growth rather than outward material achievements. Leave the past behind and with faith lets live our today to the fullest. If we are able to do this, God will surely praise us on that day of judgment and grant us eternal life.
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