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Give Thanks in All Circumstances

Admin 2015.02.01 18:49 Views : 563 Recommend:25

Give Thanks in All Circumstances

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. (‭1 Thessalonians‬ ‭5‬:‭16-18‬ ESV)

As we near the end of days, there is less thankfulness…

what does it mean to be thankful in all circumstances?
     •it means in any situation
     •in good and bad
     •in happiness and sadness
     •in health and in sickness
     •example of the Thessalonean church
     •they were suffering affliction

For when we were with you, we kept telling you beforehand that we were to suffer affliction, just as it has come to pass, and just as you know. (‭1 Thessalonians‬ ‭3‬:‭4‬ ESV)
     •This is why they were being told to be thankful, as it is difficult to be  
       thankful and joyful I'm suffering
     •we must be thankful to God (Psalm 136)
     •He is all knowing
     •He is capable of all things
     •He blesses
     •He knows our suffering and pain and can provide consolation and resolution
     •He created the heavens and the earth

who is someone who is thankful in all circumstances?
     •even in the worst of situations and pain, being thankful to God
     •even at a loss, being thankful to God and trusting He will fulfill in His time

why should we be thankful?
     •It is by God's command
     •He commanded because we forget
     •types of thankfulness •Thankful to receive
     •thankfulness in giving more thank receiving
     •thankful in realization of the purpose bigger than ourselves
     •thankful in faith - trusting God in all things

reasons why one is not thankful
     •when you don't recognize thankfulness in the daily blessings
     •when you take grace for granted
     •when you are self dependent and self recognizing and thinking you
      accomplished it on your own
     •because of greed - never being quenched even though your drinking…

Wanting more of something you already have… Not knowing how to be satisfied and fulfilled
     •because of difference in value - Instead of seeking God's word and His
      kingdom we value worldy things and riches - not recognizing the grace
      provided by God

what can we do to be thankful in all circumstances
     •thankful in blessings and good things - recognize His grace
     •thankful in worst of circumstances - trust in God's faithfulness
     •thankful in the daily blessings and what we have
     •thankful for salvation

Nothing in this world is ours… To be able to live each moment is a blessing from God so glorify God with each breath in thankfulness and God is always in your favor!
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