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Pray Continually

Admin 2015.01.18 19:40 Views : 511 Recommend:30

Prayer and God
     * without prayer, there's no miracle
     * God listens and is in our favor
     * God is pleased in His works and what He grants

Prayer and Peace (Eph 6:10-20)
     * prayer is like a switch to plug us in and connect us to God
     * prayer is your weapon of strength to become victorious and
       have peace (2King 6:15)
     * prayer is what sparks the Holy Spirit
     * prayer is the aroma of those who believe (Rev 5:8)

Prayer and devotion (Matt 26:37, Rom 12:1)
     * prayer should lead to consistent action… That it's not just empty
     * seek God's will
     * prayer is the catalyst to have courage for action
     * greatest power is in prayer
     * prayer should be in full devotion of all of us

Prayer and repentance
     * prayer allows self discovery
     * acknowledge sins towards honest repentance
     * realize God's grace and mercy

the Basic Rule of Prayer
     * pray to God our Father (Acts 12:5, Heb 11:6)
     * pray in Jesus Christ name (John 14:6, John 14:13,14)
     * pray filled with Holy Spirit (Eph6:18, Judas 20)

In all things, pray without ceasing and believe that you have
received it… Keep praying until your prayer is answered! Let's
pray for our church and so that we can witness to invite at least
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