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Don't Worry, Be Happy

Admin 2015.01.12 17:02 Views : 649 Recommend:43

Don't Worry, Be Happy!
O Lord, in your strength the king rejoices, and in your salvation how
greatly he exults! You have given him his heart’s desire and have not
withheld the request of his lips. Selah For you meet him with rich
blessings; you set a crown of fine gold upon his head. He asked life
of you; you gave it to him, length of days forever and ever. His glory
is great through your salvation; splendor and majesty you bestow on
him. For you make him most blessed forever; you make him glad
with the joy of your presence. ( Psalm 21 : 1-6 ESV)

How many times do you laugh a day?
     *  average for an adult is 5-6 times
     *  average for seniors over 50 is 3 times
     *  average for kids is 300-400 times!

Do you look for reasons to laugh?
     *  Some argue that there is no reason to laugh
     *  some are too buried in worries
     *  worries keeps one from laughing and being joyful, bringing
         eventual death

statistics on worries per theory by Jenski
     *  40% is worries about things that will not occur
     *  30% is about the past, regrets
     *  22% is about minor irrelevant issues, trivial things
     *  4% is about things you cannot change
     *  4% is about things that are worth thinking about and
         considering… But even this 4% is not worth worrying about but
         rather pray and trust God will resolve for us

In the Bible, Jesus tells us to not worry
      *  Jesus says “Do not worry about tomorrow”
        “Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow
         will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.
         ( Matthew 6 : 34 ESV)

         Jesus tells Martha to not be too busy and overly worried as it
         will take away the joy

         Now as they went on their way, Jesus entered a village. And a
         woman named Martha welcomed him into her house. And she
         had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet and listened
         to his teaching. But Martha was distracted with much serving.
        And she went up to him and said, “Lord, do you not care that
         my sister has left me to serve alone? Tell her then to help me.”
         But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious
         and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary.
         Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away
         from her.” ( Luke 10 : 38-42 ESV)

What is joy according to the Bible?

     *  rejoice knowing God is in our favor (Psalm 5:11)
     *  rejoice knowing that we have victory in God (Psalm 21:1)
     *  rejoice in God's salvation… That we have been saved (Psalm
      * Basic element of Christian life is to be joyful…to rejoice

Secret to happiness

     *  Just laugh
     *  laugh out loud
     *  laugh long
     *  laugh loud
     *  laugh with your stomach
     *  laugh clapping
     *  laugh like a child
laugh with lovelaugh as though your dream has come true today
Remember that 96% of any worries are things not worth
worrying about…(Phil 4:9)… And even the remaining 4% is what
you should leave to God to resolve… So as Christians, there is no
need to worry. In all that you do, know it's important and be true
to your duties and take pride in your work and rejoice in it.
Rejoice in the Lord always.
God is always blessing us. How we prepare our hearts is
important in whether we can receive His blessings. Have a joyful
heart to receive His blessings!
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