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peace with God

Admin 2014.10.13 16:59 Views : 725 Recommend:38

per Ernie J. Zelinski
     40% of worries is of things that will not occur
     30% is of the past that cannot be changed
     22% is of small things that don't matter
      4% is of things that cannot be changed
      4% is of realistic concerns - and for this, look to God
And the peace of God, which surpasses all
understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in
Christ Jesus. ( Philippians 4 : 7 ESV)
solution for any worry is to pray
prayer: worshiping and praising God
request and ask: focussing on an ask for God to grant
thankfulness: for all that Hod has granted
God promised us peace
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world
gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither
let them be afraid. ( John 14 : 27 ESV)
May the Lord give strength to his people! May the Lord bless his
people with peace! ( Psalm 29 : 11 ESV)
Peace comes from believing and being positive
it is according to the word of God
look to and learn from those who are living with positive
thinking and ability
discipline yourself to live optimistically: this is easier said
than done, which is why we need to seek for God's help and
ask for the strength to do so through the Holy Spirit
believe in the work of the Holy Spirit
take after the heart and mind of The Lord Jesus Christ
obey The Lord
be cleansed and put on a new self
Peace comes from committing to the Lord
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